Friday, April 10, 2009

the goodness of THIS Friday

Last night at my small group, we were talking about the Passover meal that Jesus shared with the disciples, his inner circle - the most trusted of friends. We ran through the events of the evening...eating, washing of feet, Jesus making several predictions... Then, we landed on Gethsemane. I think I can say pretty confidently that I have always viewed the time Jesus spent in prayer prior to his arrest as a last ditch effort for God to change his mind. Why? Because he didn't want to face the pain he knew was to come. The Romans had perfected torture. Dying on a cross was saved for the most heinous of criminals. Jesus knew there would be a lot of pain involved during the course of the next many hours. So, he prays an agonizing prayer..."take this cup from me." I had a revelation last night. Jesus' last ditch prayers were not to save him from physical pain but from the emotional agony of being separated from God.

God's plan was for He who was without sin to become sin. Become sin. Jesus became sin. He lived an entire life of perfection just to die with the shame, humiliation, grotesqueness of our sin. That is the reason for Gethsemane. God would forsake his only son. Forsake is such an ominous word. I'm not sure I've ever forsaken someone, and I'm not sure I could. I even hold out hope for those who have made horrible mistakes...I would come to their rescue should it ever be needed. But, God deserted Jesus in his greatest time of need. He watched as innocence was lost. And Jesus faced the intense emotional, physical and spiritual pain alone.

Scripture says that as Jesus breathed his last breath, he screamed "it is finished". He completed the task. He paid the price for all humanity in order that we may stand in the presence of God. We will know God's presence. The curtain to the holy of holies was torn in two. The end had come.

But, there is hope because God's plan didn't end there. There is a part 2. Jesus rose from the dead. Sin was forgiven, and Jesus emerged the victor. Sin was conquered. He who was without sin became sin and won. He beat death...


Sara said...

GREAT post. GREAT thoughts! Thank you for sharing!!

H Noble said...

Thank you!! We have to remember and ponder the true meaning of Easter and not just focus on hunting eggs and pretty dresses and all, b/c that's easy and nice.

TheLudlows said...