Friday, November 13, 2009


is the greatest day I've ever known/can't live for tomorrow/tomorrows much too long (that song popped into my head when I typed the blog title). But seriously, Today...

- I was just reminded of how much I like the Smashing Pumpkins.

- Jonas went to school. YAY for me! He was sick this week and had to miss school on Wednesday.

- I shamelessly bought a Christmas table runner even though we haven't celebrated Thanksgiving yet.

- I also bought a few new things for me. I'm feeling a little guilty about it right now. A few tops, belt (ok 2 belts), and a scarf. Oh and a pair of shoes.

- I am going to make a pot of soup (I think) even though it really isn't cold. Maybe some cornbread too.

- I began gathering a few items for our Christmas Open House in lieu of a housewarming party. I'm excited. And, if you want to come, please do.

- I wanted to take a nap but instead I'm writing this.

- I looked for and was unsuccessful at finding a used children's book that I am going to use to decorate Jonas' bathroom. My good friend, Emily, gave Jonas the book On The Night You Were Born, and it is beautiful. I can't wait to get this little project finished...his bathroom just seems so undone.

- I had a non-fat chai latte from my favorite little coffee shop.

- The dad of a couple of good friends is being released from prison. This is a big day for them, and I'm excited about that.

- I thought about what it would be like to be homeless as I purchased some hats and gloves for homeless children. Please do not read that as me trying to boast. It really humbled me and made me super grateful for what the Lord has blessed me with. Maybe that is why I feel a little guilty about purchasing some items for myself.

- I'm frustrated that Jonas has a milk allergy. His class is having a Thanksgiving feast, and I want him to be able to participate. Maybe I will talk to his teacher about it.

- I've been listening to the Counting Crows. Man, I love them. I might give my right arm to see them in concert.

- I thought about getting my car washed, but then decided I would leave that Paul.


Kayla said...

Sounds like a busy day. I'm with you on the car washing.

H Noble said...

Good list. I'm so with you on the Christmas prep, but J wants me to wait till after Thanksgiving. We'll see.

Its cold enough today for soup!

Sara said...

I love random lists like these! Looks like you had a good day. Hopefully today is like that, too!
I saw your comment on my blog, and I would LOVE to get together when you're in Houston sometime! Not only would I love to see you and hang out for a bit, but to meet your little man, too! It's been a long time since I've seen you - since your wedding!!! Too long, friend.

Carol said...

pasate a mi blog

Laura Worley said...

Okay, first of all, I love your blog. It's adorable. I was just reading it and looking at the adorable pics of you guys and Jonas. But I just laughed out loud at the last sentence in this post, where you say that you're going to "just leave that Paul." I'm so glad you changed your mind about that. Hee hee hee...