- stands on his own. usually not for very long, but lets go all the time
- loves to eat his "snacks" which are cherrios, star puffs,wagon wheels...
- drinking juice in his sippy cup - well, kinda. it is VERY diluted juice and he is not sure about it yet, but we are trying
- loves to climb anything and everything. this makes me really tired just thinking about the next several years
- says "mamama" and "dadadada" all the time, and is talking to us when he says it
- his dexterity is amazing. he will pick up the smallest thing with his pointer finger and thumb
- is starting to get the hang of playing with trucks
- really likes balls of any kind
- has a pretty tremendous throw. he can launch a ball across the room. we had to put away the golf balls that he was playing with.
- he has started to not want to be left by us. he will cling much tighter if he does not know someone and fusses a little when we leave.
- he has finally cut another tooth. it is the top, left eye tooth. we think his other eye tooth and his front 2 teeth are not far behind.
- he weighed 16 lbs, 13 oz about a week ago. he is 28 inches long. (that is 5% for weight and 50% for height)
Here are some 10 month pictures. But just a warning...he is in a phase right now where he won't smile for the camera or let us get a good picture.
He is just too cute!! All boy, that's for sure!!
To me, he looks so much like Paul - but then there's that special "Sarah Glint" to his eye...
Very precious! Oh, and I am totally with you on the anxiety attacks when you think about your child who loves to climb... the other day, I turned around in the kitchen to find Logan STANDING on top of our kitchen table, reaching for the light. Good grief!!
He's precious Sarah. I think I tell you that every time you post pictures, but he truly is. I know you don't have to be told that though. :)
We've got a climber as well. Most recently its stepstools and my parents stairs to the basement. Watch out! And we can't keep him seated in high chairs in restaurants, as the buckles are always broken. Sigh. I guess we're doomed to eating in and having picnics for a while.
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