Sunday, August 12, 2007

Our House...

Well, after lots of sweat and a few tears, we are pretty much finished with getting settled into our new place. Here are some pics of the before and after...

Front yard before. We had actually just mowed...the grass was completely overgrown

Front yard after

The front door

Living Room before...notice the border and white walls

Living Room border and a fresh coat of khaki colored paint

Kitchen before...we have a huge kitchen/eating area

Kitchen after

Our bedroom. I wish you could see the drapes a little better - they are beautiful...thanks, mom!

the Guest bedroom

a.k.a. the treadmill room

the office

YEAH for the laundry room


Special shout-out to the men in our small group for doing the really physical part of moving...loading and unloading our good junk, to our good friend, Casey, for helping clean the kitchen (it was disgusting) and unpack the of the most important rooms of the house, and to Sarah's mom and sister, Kelly, for taking "the Snow show" on the road - they helped paint the living room and decorate just about every room of the house. We love you and are super grateful!


H Noble said...

The house looks great and we're so excited for you guys!!!

Lindsee Lou said...


Y'all's house is just precious. I love it all. And the decorating does look mighty wonderful!

Thanks for posting some pictures!

Have a great Monday!


Unknown said...

Is there a before and after of Paul? Surely during all your repairs you were able to improve your husband?!

Jonathan said...

sweet pad maneys!!